Sunday, July 7, 2013

Grow your own

Grow your own... This topic will probably grow to the biggest topic of the whole site.  And, well it should.  I am going to list what will eventually be here, especially if some readers help me with more ideas and content.....

  • Grow your own, from the bottom up, starting with soil.  Permaculture tells us that soil is the most important part of a garden or hoop house, or anything producing food.  SOIL feeds the plants you sow in your garden, and it nourishes the plants and produces plants that contain the nourishment (aka nutrients) you put in there.  Soil is regional, it is different in the north and the south, in warm and cold climates, and it supports different plants.  Nature makes good soil (or else nature wouldn't exist at all) in climatic context.  Wisdom (a human trait) can help nature along.
  • Seeds and varieties of plants need to be matched to the climate.  Sweet Potatoes, grown readily in the Southern US, are next to impossible in the far north, unless heat is provided to extend the season.  Winter Squash keeps the whole winter in the far north in a root cellar, and feeds many people with plentiful vitamins and minerals they need....
  • You need to understand the difference between heirloom, hybrid, and GMO seeds. Heirloom seeds produce the same seeds in their produce that were planted when they were grown.  Hybrid seeds produce exceptional crops, but the seeds from those crops cannot be grown the next year (they will produce lots of bad fruits)
  • GMO crops are genetically modified seeds that should not grow the next year, but if they do, you don't want to see the results.....
Each of the topics above will ultimately merit its own page... and saving seeds, improving soil, and other topics will follow....

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